To reflect your funds moving to the Liquid Treasuries account, you will receive three statements every month, as well as trade confirmations accessible in your online account. These statements will all be received electronically by the 10th day of the month toThis will show your funds being deposited, and all funds not being spent swept into the Liquid Treasuries account. If you make a withdrawal, funds are then swept back to your checking account at Coastal Community and your statements will reflect this movement.
You will receive an Evergreen Checking Account Statement, as well as a Jiko Bank Account Statement and Jiko Brokerage statement.
You will also have Trade Confirmations from Jiko, reflecting deposit amounts used to purchase T-bills in your Liquid Treasury account and withdrawals out of your account. These may result in buys and sells, which generate a trade confirmation stored electronically.
To view your statements, follow these steps:
Sign in to your Evergreen account and navigate to Menu > Settings > Documents > Select Month > View/Download Statement.